Noob Question: Don't own a PC how to sequence?


New elf
Dec 19, 2014
Discovery Bay, CA
The only PC I have is for work so I can't use that to sequence anything. My other 2 computers are both Macs. How do I go about sequencing? Everything I read talks about PC's only. I am starting from scratch in hopes of a 2015 display/show.

xlights/nutcracker will run on a Mac. Once you've sequenced anything up you can run it on a $35 Raspberry Pi which takes your computer out of the equation.
You could run windows in bootcamp mode on your mac. This way you would be able to boot into windows and run all the windows software providing you have a copy of windows and a mac with an Intel processor (made after 2005). Another way you could do it is run a software like virtual box (free), vmware fusion or parallels with a copy of windows OS. This would let you boot into mac OSX and run windows in a separate window (side by side).