Number of channels


Full time elf
Jan 19, 2012
Bathurst NSW
As still a newbie this question may have already been answered. I need to know if I have 6 strings of RGB on say my roof does this need 18 separate channels.
Another question although not RGB related is how do I string together a number of songs so that the same one is not playing in a loop fashion.
Hope these are not to dumb.
If you want the 6 strings individually controlled then it will be 3 channels for the RGB x 6 strings = 18 channels

If you want all the strings connected together then it would be 3 channels but you would have to take in to account the load of the 6 strings connected together to ensure that you do not overload the controller output and you would also have to inject the power between the strings
I forgot to answer your second question.

If your talking about complete individual songs being played one after the other in a loop then the sequencing software which has a scheduler component will set that up for you.

If your wanting to make a music mix where you have songs which blend into the next song then you need a music mixing software package, I use mix meister fusion for that.
Just ensure you dont make your music mix too long as this will make it more difficult when sequencing and increase the memory footprint of the sequence (i would say max of 10 minutes mix)
So you would suggest a max of 10 minutes per sequence, but you can schedule several sequences back to back with no problem for a 20 to 30 minute continuous show, correct?
Usually, a show consists of a number of songs, each sequenced separatley and then the scheduler handles loading new songs in the the orderr you decide

So yeah, you can have shows running for as long as you want (if you are willing to put the work in sequencing that is) :)
