Nutcracker 3.0.3 released, new effect Twinkle

I know its being picky for a free and great bit of software, but shouldnt it be 2103 in the release notes, yes I know no one ever reads the text files :p

Nutcracker 3.0 Releases
3.0.3: 3/02/12 Added new effect, Twinkle
3.0.2: 2/28/12 Corrected unsigned 24bit value for HLS *.hlsnc export
3.0.1: 2/26/12 Added wxGauge to show process for exporting sequence files
3.0.0: 2/22/12 Initial Release


One thing I like to do is read and I just reviewed the notes and it was added at the bottom. I know Sean stated he would keep the release notes up to date.

I did have time to play around last night for a few hours in Nutcracker and WOW what a program.

924aussie said:
I know its being picky for a free and great bit of software, but shouldnt it be 2103 in the release notes, yes I know no one ever reads the text files :p

Nutcracker 3.0 Releases
3.0.3: 3/02/12 Added new effect, Twinkle
3.0.2: 2/28/12 Corrected unsigned 24bit value for HLS *.hlsnc export
3.0.1: 2/26/12 Added wxGauge to show process for exporting sequence files
3.0.0: 2/22/12 Initial Release


LO, you are right. my on;ly excuse is i have been sic. i have corrected release notes.
