Nutcracker: new effect, meteors


Dedicated elf
Jan 19, 2012
4217 Greenfinch Dr CO 80126
Another effect connected into Nutcracker,

username f
user_target ZZ_ZZ
effect_class meteors
effect_name METEOR1
window_degrees 360
start_color #FF1100
end_color #380101
frame_delay 11
sparkles 0
maxPhase 4
seq_duration 5
maxMeteors 5
submit Submit Form to create your target model


one more

username f
user_target ZZ_ZZ
effect_class meteors
effect_name METEOR2
window_degrees 360
start_color #FF1E05
end_color #275C27
frame_delay 11
sparkles 0
maxPhase 6
seq_duration 5
maxMeteors 3
submit Submit Form to create your target model

Added one more option

random_colours =1, then every pixel in the meteor is a different color
random_colours=2, random color for the meteor, but the hue is kept the same

any other value the the meteor will start with your start_color and finish with your end_color.

here is random_colours=2

username f
user_target ZZ_ZZ
effect_class meteors
effect_name METEOR4
window_degrees 360
start_color #FF1100
end_color #380101
frame_delay 11
sparkles 5
maxPhase 7
seq_duration 5
maxMeteors 3
random_colours 2
submit Submit Form to create your effect


username f
user_target ZZ_ZZ
effect_class meteors
effect_name METEOR5
window_degrees 360
start_color #FF1100
end_color #380101
frame_delay 11
sparkles 5
maxPhase 7
seq_duration 5
maxMeteors 3
random_colours 1
submit Submit Form to create your effect


and finally any other number and we will look to start and end colors
username f
user_target ZZ_ZZ
effect_class meteors
effect_name METEOR6
window_degrees 360
start_color #FF1100
end_color #380101
frame_delay 11
sparkles 5
maxPhase 7
seq_duration 5
maxMeteors 3
random_colours 0
submit Submit Form to create your effect


Wow they look amazing, They only question I have is how do I get it to run inside LSP?
Beacy said:
Wow they look amazing, They only question I have is how do I get it to run inside LSP?

I have a ping to david asking what he thinks is the best way for me to do this, going on 3 days, no answer.

I really dont want to have to make an xml, so complicated

It was suggested that maybe there is a way to get Nutcracker data into the clipboard. I understand that you can cut and paste in LSP.

If someone would copy a small section of data and if we could see the contents of the clipboard maybe we could go that way.
smeighan said:
If someone would copy a small section of data and if we could see the contents of the clipboard maybe we could go that way.

That's assuming LSP uses the Windows clipboard of course. Some applications do, but some use their own private scratchpad instead.

Apparently David (LSP) is currently on holiday


smeighan said:
Beacy said:
Wow they look amazing, They only question I have is how do I get it to run inside LSP?

I have a ping to david asking what he thinks is the best way for me to do this, going on 3 days, no answer.

I really dont want to have to make an xml, so complicated

It was suggested that maybe there is a way to get Nutcracker data into the clipboard. I understand that you can cut and paste in LSP.

If someone would copy a small section of data and if we could see the contents of the clipboard maybe we could go that way.
I tried to do a cut and paste and it appears that LSP is not using the windows clip board for this function. I did attach all the xml files that were in my directory that may help.


  • LightShowPro_XML
    1.5 MB · Views: 2
Bug fixes: Meteor type 3 was not working. Sparkles was not working. Both are now fixed.
Some examples:

meteor type 1, every pixel is random . Note: your start and end colors are ignored for this effect.
username f
user_target AA
effect_class meteors
effect_name METEOR_RG1
window_degrees 180
start_color #FF0000
end_color #16FF05
frame_delay 100
sparkles 0
maxPhase 5
seq_duration 5
maxMeteors 5
meteor_type 1
submit Submit Form to create your effect
show_frame N
direction cw


Meteor type 2: each meteor will keep the same color throughout its life. Here we have 0% for sparkles
username f
user_target AA
effect_class meteors
effect_name METEOR_RG1
window_degrees 180
start_color #FF0000
end_color #16FF05
frame_delay 100
sparkles 0
maxPhase 5
seq_duration 5
maxMeteors 5
meteor_type 2
submit Submit Form to create your effect
show_frame N
direction cw

Here is the same meteor type 2 but sparkles has been set to 33%
username f
user_target AA
effect_class meteors
effect_name METEOR_RG2s
window_degrees 180
start_color #FF0000
end_color #16FF05
frame_delay 100
sparkles 33
maxPhase 5
seq_duration 5
maxMeteors 5
meteor_type 2
submit Submit Form to create your effect
show_frame N
direction cw

Here is meteor type 3, as we go through the frame sequence a meteor will be shifted between your start and end color. any given meteor will keep its hue.
sparkles set at 33% so you can compare with the above image.

username f
user_target AA
effect_class meteors
effect_name METEOR_RG3s
window_degrees 180
start_color #FF0000
end_color #16FF05
frame_delay 100
sparkles 33
maxPhase 5
seq_duration 5
maxMeteors 5
meteor_type 3
submit Submit Form to create your effect
show_frame N
direction cw

and finally, what if you want a meteor shower with just white.
Select meteor type 2 or 3 and set start and end color = #FFFFFF.

username f
user_target AA
effect_class meteors
effect_name METEOR_RG2w
window_degrees 180
start_color #FFFFFF
end_color #FFFFFF

frame_delay 100
sparkles 0
maxPhase 5
seq_duration 5
maxMeteors 5
meteor_type 2
submit Submit Form to create your effect
show_frame N
direction cw