Full time elf
I was watching this video Apr18 Intro Vixen LOR on Vimeo and cannot get my lights to all work like he does.
When I use nutcracker test all of my lights work no problem, but when I go to nutcracker, and I did do setup of 24 strands 25 pixels per strand, start at universe 1 in nutcracker, it will be in universe 2 when I get to LOR. I only get about 5 strings working only, not the full effect. What am I forgetting to do?
When I use nutcracker test all of my lights work no problem, but when I go to nutcracker, and I did do setup of 24 strands 25 pixels per strand, start at universe 1 in nutcracker, it will be in universe 2 when I get to LOR. I only get about 5 strings working only, not the full effect. What am I forgetting to do?