One green pixel in matrix


New elf
Dec 18, 2020
Hi everyone!
It's my first year and I've managed to get a *very small* 5V display working. Well, it works inside my house with everything hooked up. Outside the house...not so much!

I have two 84 pixel matrixes on my front columns, and I'm using an rpi-28D+. I also have a shooting star prop which is working well. The issue is the matrixes - I've got them both on the same channel, with 16 null pixels between them. When I run a sequence, the first pixel - bottom left is a dull green. If I pick up the controller, then all of the lights light up a dull red. I've checked all the connections, but I was wondering if anyone has any other ideas?

Are you powering it all from the Pi?
Or have you got some power injection?
The offer still stands, I am just down the road.
Thanks @ezellner and @SAALTFAM - it's working! :) I changed the pigtail to the controller and the extension cord and it's now working.

I'm powering 130 pixels on one channel for the star and 168 on the other channel for the columns, plus powering the pi from the power supply too.

I'd love to meet you Saaltfam - just have to clean my house and get the yard in order before anyone can come over! (My house is a disaster in term time - only 7 school days left!)
Been there done that and the yard is still a disaster.
Wait until they go to UNI then the Christmas lights limited budget gets tighter. 🥺
This thread is very old. An answer might not be needed anymore.