Online Mini Conference - LightShow Pro Tutorial Video Available

ɟɐsʇǝppʎ said:
Guys this is an extensive video tutorial on LSP, the video goes for over 3 hours and was part of the Online mini conferance series that I participated in. There are some quality issues that were due to bandwidth but generally it should help you gain a decent basic understanding of setting up and using LSP V2.5

is it possible to save a copy of this on a hard drive so I can watch it while im always flying, thanks
Eddy, is there another source for this tutorial? A three hour "LSP for dummies" is exactly what I need. It appears the server doesn't exist anymore. Thanks, Kevin.
Hmm, got the link to work before Easter but can't seem to load the page now.
I was finding that tutorial very helpful but only got a third of the way through it so far.
Is the tutorial still available? :)
Glad I'm not the only one, I got 2.5 hours into it.

Is there a place to download it for offline viewing?
This video is stored on a members server and the server sometimes crashes, so if the video does not work then please contact by PM gigogig to inform him that its not working.
It seems to happen too often so now ill put the power in your hands to contact him :)
Looking to dig this video out of the bit bucket.

I can mirror this to my server at a data warehouse so it's available all the time, I don't have any bandwidth of storage issues on that server as it's on an unlimited plan that I bought into back in the early days of the interwebs as my daughter likes to say. ::)