P12R and my USB port not working correctly


New elf
Aug 22, 2013
Charlotte North arolina
Posting a question for those who use the P12R controller. I had been using my Ethernet connection up this point as my connection to the controller with a Cat 5 cable. The other day I hosed (burned out) my Ethernet Port. So I purchased an Adapter (USB to Cat5) to connect to my controller. I run LOR and up this point everything has been running fine while testing . Meaning If I run a sequence the pixels and controller work fine and if I ran a Schedule show, say 6-8 songs everything ran as expected. Now that I have moved over to my USB port I can run a sequence(one song) but when I try to run an actual show of about 5-6 songs after about 8-10 minutes I lose my signal from the pc to the Controller and the pixles stop working as if they are not getting a signal anymore from my pc . The show continues to run and the lights on the Controller are on as expected but the Ethernet port on the controller is no longer both Green/Flashing Amber. Just green as is my Adapter on the PC. I have Disabled the Ethernet card in my Device Manager and nothing changed. Then I configured my Adapter with the same Ip as my Etherent port thinking that was the problem but still have the same issue. It works for about 8-10 minutes then the signal between the pc and controller is lost. DO I have to reset my config in the controller so it recognizes the USB port now? And why would it work for about 8 minutes consistently then shut off?....Puzzled and need some help
