Paint coro


New elf
Nov 8, 2020
Hi just wanting to know what people have used to paint their coro props. I'm wanting my display to look good during the day and night. Needs to be able to hold up in the Aussie sun. Thanks
There were a couple threads regarding this within the last year or so. A Forum search of 'paint' and 'coro' will find them. Paint types between the US and Australia (and other countries I suspect) are different. Dulux Duramax is named in the threads for Australia.
In Australia Rust-Oleum 2X is popular spray paint (Krylon is popular in the USA but hard to get here) it's a paint and primer in one and designed for plastics. Has heaps of colours.

I give my coro the lightest of sands with the finest of sandpaper first, but others have found this isn't necessary. A wipe down with a wet rag to clean any loose stuff maybe all that's needed.

I've coated some of mine with a clear acrylic topcoat paint (as suggested by LithgowLights to help protect the paint) I used this at the time I bought mine they had a sale of 2 cans for the price of one.
Thanks everyone for your help I'll get some Rust-Oleum 2X and see how it goes cheers
@Jandrews755 I've also found the ScotchBlue Painter's Masking Tape is better than the normal beige stuff. Be interested to know if others have a preferred masking tape?
@Jandrews755 I've also found the ScotchBlue Painter's Masking Tape is better than the normal beige stuff. Be interested to know if others have a preferred masking tape?
Yep painters stuff is the best as it has less seepage. I don't even buy the beige stuff anymore.

I just did my Coro with a light sand with some high grit paper I had lying around 1000 I think it was, metho to clean up and spray.
In Australia Rust-Oleum 2X is popular spray paint (Krylon is popular in the USA but hard to get here) it's a paint and primer in one and designed for plastics. Has heaps of colours.

I give my coro the lightest of sands with the finest of sandpaper first, but others have found this isn't necessary. A wipe down with a wet rag to clean any loose stuff maybe all that's needed.

I've coated some of mine with a clear acrylic topcoat paint (as suggested by LithgowLights to help protect the paint) I used this at the time I bought mine they had a sale of 2 cans for the price of one.
+1 for the Rustoleum stuff, works really well. I haven't sanded mine (too impatient) but seems to have held up thus far.
I have used the Rust-Oleum 2 x as well, also gets good coverage so worth the couple of extra dollars. It is available in a few limited colours however.

I also give them a clear coat

Re tape, also used the blue painters tape.

Quick tip if you need to do a little touch up, just spray some of the paint into the lid (or another suitable container) and use a small brush.

Here is a couple of pumpkins I quickly did


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Out of curiosity, has anyone tried creating mask shapes on a different surface like wax paper with the blue tape to them cut out, peel and place onto the prop?
@Jandrews755 I've also found the ScotchBlue Painter's Masking Tape is better than the normal beige stuff. Be interested to know if others have a preferred masking tape?
I do not use anything but the Scotch Blue OZ. I'm not sure about Australia but the local blue big box store near me has 2 types, a thicker for general taping and a thinner tape for edging. The thinner tape better follows small hills and dips in the surface and can also be 'curved' easier. Needless to say, it also tears easier.

Last minute edit: Thickness of the tape, not width.
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Out of curiosity, has anyone tried creating mask shapes on a different surface like wax paper with the blue tape to them cut out, peel and place onto the prop?
Not that specfically but in a previous project I used a thin stripping tape, 1/8 or 3/16 inch I think. Followed that with tape and paper. The thin stripping bends fairly well making some pretty nice curves. One does need to pay attention to the material to insure the paint does not attack it.
Apparently ive only been able to find Rust-Oleum 2X in a spray can.
Is there any other paint i can use, like with a paint brush?

Also would a 3M Plastic Adhesion Primer in a spray can work for helping the paint stick?

I have too much coro im wanting to paint,
If i go all spray can's it could work out more messy an pricey.

Thanks in Advance