Papagayo into LSP


New elf
Jan 30, 2014
I’m in the process of sequencing my first show for this year and I want to have singing faces included in the show. They will be just 8 sets of white LED BigW strings (5 mouth positions) per face.

I’m wanting to know the best and easiest way to get the Papagayo file into LSP. If anyone is also able to include links to how to do this would be appreciated. I just don’t want to have to do it all manually if I can help it.

Cheers, Kieran
Nutcracker is getting closer to importing the papagayo file, and there is support to export a model into LSP using the userpatterns.xml file.

I have wondered if you could use a series of patterns for the phenomenon and just drag and drop from the userpatterns with a unique timing highlight color?
3 scripts are now done for papagayo. these have been tested on multi voice pgo files

you go into papagayo and export each voice, this will produce a *.dat for each voice.

assume you have voice1.dat,voice2,dat,voice3.dat

You run the following commands. m1={modelname}

gawk -f coroface.awk -v m1=face1 voice1.dat voice1b.dat > voice1.xml
gawk -f coroface.awk -v m1=face2 voice2.dat voice2b.dat > voice2.xml
gawk -f coroface.awk -v m1=face3 voice3.dat voice3b.dat > voice3.xml

After these run you have 3 xlights xml files. We want to take the three xml files and make one combined file

gawk -f merge_xml.awk voice1.xml voice2.xml voice3.xml > voice.xml

the scripts will be located in your install directory. copy them to your show directory.
run the commands from the dos CMD window.