Pixel tree around a real tree trunk?


New elf
Dec 27, 2018
Hi all,

Just getting into the pixel world, thinking of doing a little project for next year to incorporate into my traditional holiday display and build on that as time goes on.

Has anyone ever built a mega tree around a real tree trunk? I searched the forum and found 1 person that was thinking of it but didn't say if they actually did it.

I have 3 young (~3 years old) oak trees in my front yard. The trunks are maybe 4 inches in diameter and straight up to ~5' where they split. I was thinking of making 5 small "mega" trees with the top being at that split. Was wondering if anyone has done anything similar, how they built it, how it looked, etc.

Just do it! :) I used to run four rope lights up and on branches of a silver birch at the old house. The people coming to see the display always commented on it, saying it looked great.
Yeah let us know if you do it. I have a medium size tree in my front yard but not sure how to incorporate it
I have a pixel trees (of sorts). Not megatree format with strands but I simply wrap the trunks. It may be another option for you.

The trees are wrapped in strings of 1000 pixels (power injection every 2 strings). Consumes a lot of power but always a talking point.

Good luck.


View: https://vimeo.com/308765467
Yep like above, just give it a go. My place doesn't have a standard streetscape so have had to be creative for much of that I put out. Some things worked a treat and some things didn't work as well as I wanted which just gives me stuff to work on. If you can picture it and think you can build it than give it a crack and post the results :) I've got 4 tall palm trees, I put 4m long pixelified conduit up each trunk with a star at the top. Worked well
I've got a strand of pixels wrapped around a wattle tree in my yard. It's just modeled as a single straight line, I'm not sure what else I can do with it, A spiral tree is a possibility, but I'm not sure I don't think it would map correctly, because its across a number of branches.
This thread is very old. An answer might not be needed anymore.