Pixlite 16 ports 1-8 not working


New elf
Jan 1, 2011
At one point tonight I had all ports working(test mode), now ports 1 through 8 are not. All of the fuses for each port are ok. My PSU's show 12V in the interface. I swapped PSU's from one side to the other as well and still only ports 9 through 16 work.

Any help would be appreciated!!

Hi jonnyci

Had the same issue last year and I logged a support ticket with Advatek. The email below I have attached is what Luke came back with and in my case because I use WS2811 and don't use the clock line I was ok and didn't need to replace the chips as I swapped the clock chips with the data chips. Obviously I still have blown chips but they are in the clock slots I don't use.

Worth a try to use the test below if it's the same issue.


[font=]Hi Allan,

U3 and U2 are both used for powering chips on the entire board, not actually related to either bank.

Most likely one or both of the buffer chips on bank 2 have been killed from the short. These chips can be replaced by yourself if needed.

Are you using 12V pixels? Generally this kind of thing happens when you short 12V to either the clock or data lines which are only 5V tolerant.

The easy test is to take the good 2 buffer chips from bank 1 and swap with bank 2.

To do this, with the power off, carefully remove the 2 long black chips in socket holders near bank 2. You can gently pry up each end of the chip with a flat head screw driver. Put these to the side on a bench. Try not to touch any of the pins on these chips more than needed and don't work on carpet.

Then do the same thing with the 2 chips on bank 1 that are working and place them into the holders for bank 2. Be careful to make sure the notch in the top of the chip lines up with the white notch marked on the PCB. They will have to rotate 180 degrees to slot into the bank 2 holders.

Then turn the board on and see if bank 2 outputs work now. [/font]

[font=]Your Advatek Lighting Helpdesk Team,
Kind Regards,

Luke Taylor
Advatek Lighting Pty Ltd [/font]
Thanks guys. GCAllan this seems to be exactly what is going on. Not a fan of swapping out those chips and making things worse. Half a working board is better than no board at this point. I can use this for my arches.
Alan or others

Do you know where to get replacement output buffers for the Pixlite 16?