Planning for next year


Apprentice elf
Generous elf
Oct 8, 2021
Doing some pre-planning for next year and have some probably stupid questions. I'm looking to add 2 more baldricks to my show so I can have one on each side of house and 1 for a new megatree. I'm wanting to increase density per port but still only be about 400 per port.

I currently have 1 baldrick running off 2 lrs350, 2 power 4 distribution boards and only about 2500 pixels. I went 2 PS as I thought I'd need power injection but seemed to manage OK with power balancing and reduced brightness.

1. Would my current hardware drive a megatree of around 2100-2400 pixels?
2. Any example set ups of using Baldrick to run a MT? Number of strings per port etc?
3. Would 1 350w PS drive the same again of individual props or would I need a 500w (or 2 350w)? Don't want to do injection if I can avoid..
4. Maybe for @AAH . Does a single PS (and fan etc) fit in your small enclosure?

Many thanks in advance
Maybe for @AAH . Does a single PS (and fan etc) fit in your small enclosure?
I have a small enclosure with a power supply down mounted low, and an Advatek E4-S controller up high on a piece of raised acrylic. Also a 12V power brick for one of the outputs is jimmied in there.
It's had a DigQuad, Diff receiver and now the Advatek in the same box.
I don't see any issues with putting a Baldrick in there (but haven't tried)
Doing some pre-planning for next year and have some probably stupid questions. I'm looking to add 2 more baldricks to my show so I can have one on each side of house and 1 for a new megatree. I'm wanting to increase density per port but still only be about 400 per port.

I currently have 1 baldrick running off 2 lrs350, 2 power 4 distribution boards and only about 2500 pixels. I went 2 PS as I thought I'd need power injection but seemed to manage OK with power balancing and reduced brightness.

1. Would my current hardware drive a megatree of around 2100-2400 pixels?
2. Any example set ups of using Baldrick to run a MT? Number of strings per port etc?
3. Would 1 350w PS drive the same again of individual props or would I need a 500w (or 2 350w)? Don't want to do injection if I can avoid..
4. Maybe for @AAH . Does a single PS (and fan etc) fit in your small enclosure?

Many thanks in advance
I make up the Baldrick in a ready to run version with a 200W 5V supply inside the box. It is possible to fit a 400W supply i there no worries as these 5V 200W are the same body size. To obviate the need for a fan and vents I also do a 12V 500W waterproof supply option.
I have stayed away from supplying anything with holes and a fan in it as I can't guarantee what the end user will do as far as mounting. With those 2 options there is no need for breaking the IP rating of the box and relying on the end user to orient the vents the correct way that they won't ingest water or recirculate hot air.
In theory a 12V 500W supply would run around 1700 12V resistor pixels at 100% brightness. In reality because of the very poor regulation of resistor pixels it's probably more like 2500 at 100%. As you're unlikely to run at anything above 50% you could come close to maxing out the 6000 pixels of the Baldrick if you wanted to.
I make up the Baldrick in a ready to run version with a 200W 5V supply inside the box. It is possible to fit a 400W supply i there no worries as these 5V 200W are the same body size. To obviate the need for a fan and vents I also do a 12V 500W waterproof supply option.
I have stayed away from supplying anything with holes and a fan in it as I can't guarantee what the end user will do as far as mounting. With those 2 options there is no need for breaking the IP rating of the box and relying on the end user to orient the vents the correct way that they won't ingest water or recirculate hot air.
In theory a 12V 500W supply would run around 1700 12V resistor pixels at 100% brightness. In reality because of the very poor regulation of resistor pixels it's probably more like 2500 at 100%. As you're unlikely to run at anything above 50% you could come close to maxing out the 6000 pixels of the Baldrick if you wanted to.
Yeah those waterproof PS do look good but as most of my stuff is 5v ( 😟 ) I think I'll try and keep it all consistent...
Yeah those waterproof PS do look good but as most of my stuff is 5v ( 😟 ) I think I'll try and keep it all consistent...
A 5V 200W internal supply will allow probably 1000 at 100% brightness.
I'm actually on the hunt for a 300W + 5V waterproof.
To answer your question about Baldricks running a MT, I ran 28 strands @ 150 this year on 7 ports (so 600 pix per channel, 12v strands) and then used the 8th to run the smalll 200pix star. Ran off 2 x 350w power supplies and just power balanced the MT strings (so tee'd off at the first string and back powered the 4th. Ran @ 10% power, worked fine. See the linked Dance Mode vid for how it looked. I ran it in a Elekron-Baal metal enclosure and dont vent or fan or anything ( 500x500 was the size I used
