Plasma Icicles info back up

Habbosrus said:
Early testing. Haven't done full test yet. I'd better get a wriggle on

Very nice! Thanks for posting..

Need more pics.. I know there are a lot of people making them out there from the questions I got.. I would love to see how ya'll did it.
looks very good, and the build photos are useful for a how-to
I used the 3 LED/1IC strip here. I made mine all the same length and sequence different patterns. It made it easier and cheaper for me. It looked good in testing so I hope it works when connected to the house. I have to work out controllers, power supply setup. They span 25 metres across the front of the house! Luckily I use HLS and it makes it easy to fiddle with controller setup at the end.
I just started to work with the plasma icycles I purchased. I hadn't even tght about them since I ordered them in January. nIf mine turn out half as cool as yours look in the video I will be thrilled.