Power injecting with a ground


New elf
Sep 22, 2015

Near the end of this video. He runs a gnd from the controller to the last strip and it helps bring all the colours back to the strips. Is this how you can do it with out power injecting every 50?

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He's incorrect at 2:47. It does not matter which direction the electricity flows through the strip; you can power it at either end and it will work. The data and clock signals only work in one direction though.

The power injection every 50 pixels only applies to nodes. Strips seem to go further. Assuming he means negative when he says ground, he hasn't injected the positive. He'd get even better results if he did.

The way he did it also created a ground loop (circular negative wire through the pixels). You can usually get away with this but it can occasionally cause flicker.
There is so much wrong with this video. The arrow is NOT the flow of electricity, it is the data flow. You can power the strips and feed power from both ends.

Also he appears to just provide power to the +5v, well guess what, what current goes out of the +5v needs to have a return path, so when power injecting you need to provide a pair of wires, one to the positive and one to the negative
This thread is very old. An answer might not be needed anymore.