Power requirements for Pixel Tree

I run all my lights at 100% as I have a massive amount of ambient light due to the security lighting on the factory over the road. There's so much light that the streetlight on the corner doesn't even get a look in.
I always design and calculate for 100% full load. In practice there's rarely the occasion that you'll have a full 100% white. In the case of a tree you're never likely to use 100% white.
I'd always go with multiple 320/350/400W supplies over the 1500W one. With the 1500W you have no redundancy and can't easily swap out 1.
Is it worth spending a little more on psu that have pfc
Having the power factor correction is more efficient and looks after the mains a bit better. Personally I wouldn't worry too much about it as your lights are going to be on for a couple hours a night for up to about 31 days. You're probably going to to have the lights on for something like a duty cycle of possibly 10% when averaged out across what lights are on and what intensity you have them on. Overall you might save a dollar a year by having PFC on a domestic display.
I ran all my lights at 60 % this year, some in coro a little dull so will up next year. But trees etc 60% plenty bright enough (not a lot of ambient light)
so can get away with it. Would seriously say split the tree into two - 2 trees by 32 strings would more than fantastic (mine are only 2x16 strand x 2.5m on ws2811 strip)
Yours would be way better resolution and appeareance.
Cheers Boof63
Funny you say that, I had just decided to cut back to 32 strands to start with but still build the frame so I could add more easily if I wanted