Back in the 80's where most products used transformers in their power supplies rather than electronic switch mode supplies. W.A. would see voltages as high as 260v and I worked in retail where we would sell a but load of 250v to 230v stepdown transformers as it was a real problem for some devices.**1 - all states except for WA and Qld. Queensland are in the process of adopting 230V as the standard.
**2 - I'm aware that generation and distribution is done at much higher voltages and stepped to low voltage at the pole/pad transformer, but this is irrelevant for this discussion
You should also note on this supply that the rating is 7.5a 200v-240vThe LRS600 is rated at 7.5A typical on the AC side at 240V so they should technically be all individually cabled.
so if we assume that it is written worst case, then it is 7.5a at 200v which means it would be 6.25a at 240v
Did someone say rabbit hole?