Preview bitmap image size


Full time elf
Dec 24, 2012
Castle Hill NSW
I'm trying to set up a preview. I took a photo of my house and saved it as a bitmap image. When I go to load it within the preview the black box comes up but no image. I get an error saying" please note-your current video card does NOT support hardware accelerated graphics"

Is my graphics card the problem or is my file size too large? It's 51Mb

Anyone else have had this problem.

Madko said:
I'm trying to set up a preview. I took a photo of my house and saved it as a bitmap image. When I go to load it within the preview the black box comes up but no image. I get an error saying" please note-your current video card does NOT support hardware accelerated graphics"

Is my graphics card the problem or is my file size too large? It's 51Mb

Anyone else have had this problem.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news , but your video card is inadequate .
250 mb might make the minimum to get hls preview breathing !

I would suggest 500mb as a starting point . Preview takes alot of video ram to render high pixel count .
You can always reduce the size of your preview bitmap file. I had that same problem originally and someone suggested to reduce the file with MS Paint or something similar. I have very low graphics on my old laptop and reducing the size helped.
yeah i set my photo size down to 2.12Mb and still the same error.

Im just going to try my wifes laptop and see how i go.

Change the size of your preview window. Your graphics card may not accept the size you've chosen. I had to make mine 800 x 600. This works well on my laptop and I can enlarge when I'm playing back if need be. I copied my HLS folder to a portable hard drive and tried to play back on my desktop tv which is hooked up to my 50" plasma tv. I had the same problem and got the black screen in preview. I just changed the resolution. Try a couple of different resolutions when setting up your preview screen.
angus40 said:
I seriously doubt a 51 mb video card will be capable .
I think the bitmap file size was 51mb, not the graphics card memory. I had to try a couple of different resolutions before my laptop would accept it.
this is all good to hear and is exactly what i am in the process of doing. Im trying to my program to a portable hard drive and trying to run it on my wifes laptop (newer). I have played around with the resolution but not that low. Ill give it a go!

Your are right about the size (51Mb)! that was the size of my photo not graphics card. Since then i have dropped it down to 2.1Mb

See what happens and ill post my results

No good.

I dropped the resolution of my file down to 1000x600. I tried all resolutions within HLS and still get the accelerated graphics issue.

I copied and pasted my HLS program file onto a portable harddrive and transferred it over to another laptop which is running windows 7 (mine is windows XP) and when i go to open my file sequence it says that its unable to open file. Now im lost/stuck! I assume its due to save one sequence in XP then trying to open it in Windows 7.

Anyway of overcoming this windows problem?

Tried running in admin and still no good.

Re-confirming what I did.
Copied and pasted HLS program and associated files to a portable hard drive. Tried trying as admin. Program opens up which is fine but when I go to load my previously created sequence it say "unable to load HLS file."

This is where is getting stuck because I'm trying to create a preview but my laptop graphics card is able to cope with accelerated graphics. Now I'm trying to run HLS on a new laptop with a better graphics card!

Any other ideas?

are you trying to open the sequence from the popup dialogue box ?
If so it will not work , those links-paths will be broken ,
try clicking cancle when that box comes up and open your your sequence directly from the hls folder .
you should be redirected when you click cancle
Ok did that. It said and did what you said it would.
When I clicked on my file to open it up it said that effects required to be re-built. I click yes. The I got error, "rebuild failed on 2013_EFFECT, isam_err=12, sysiocod=5. I accept OK and HLS shuts down.

Any ideas? Thanks again
you may need Joe's help with this 1 . I have not tried changing to a different operating system .
However hls files and sequences are shareable .
I hope your songs and bitmap are stored in the hls folder also , you will need to copy them over also .
that said , try installing a fresh version of hls on your external drive then copy your library folder , nutcracker folder and your sequence folders from your original hls installation to your new installation .
Its worh a try atleast .