R.I.P. Oldmanfathertime (Sully)


Hello from Christopher Creek Arizona
Mar 11, 2012
Christopher Creek Arizona
Got this message today:

Sully has passed away at 12:50 am this morning, Jan 21. We"ll let you know the final arrangements after we come back from the funeral home this afternoon. Tentatively we want to have the wake tomorrow afternoon until 9pm and services will be held at the funeral home Monday morning at 10:30 am with burial at Avery Island Cemetery (AKA Rynella-6100 Avery Island Road) on Rynella Street in New Iberia.
For those of you keeping us in your prayers, they were greatly received because Sully had only one day being bedridden. He loved life so much that when he was awake he wanted to be busy doing something. Thank you so much for loving him. He was truly a character to say the least. Don't forget his youtube videos especially his last one which was so hard for him to do physically but he absolutely did it. He told our chaplain that this video is his legacy. We love ya'll.

The world lost a great person today, and he will be always be remembered by myself and a lot of others. Here is a link to the videos he posted.
Have often chatted with OFT and he had a great sense of humor and an engaging style. He will be sorely missed by all at ACL. My condolences to his family. He really was a great person. 8)
wow, i just seen this after being away for almost a year. truly sad to see this. Sully was guy and always fun to talk with. he will be truly missed. was sitting in chat just now waiting on him to make an appearance and then i seen this. RIP good buddy, and take your coonass and white boots with ya lol