ray 27 chanel with 5 volt ??


Apprentice elf
Dec 14, 2011
not sure if its the righ place to ask but ,, is there a mod that can be done on ray 27 chanel to be able to run my 5 volt rgb dum string ??? i have 12 string og those dum rgb and was planning on making a mega tree with them asi have 5-6 of ray controler and dont know what to do with them lol ( i already have mini tree ) i read that it can only go down to 7 volt .... i am sure someone wiser than me have try it or did it
Ive been told that these controllers can work at 5vdc (I havent proven it myself), if they dont then the other method is to refer to the Wiki and look at example 3 on this page so yes you can run 5vdc lights on this controller
I modified mine in a very simple way. I think it was in an lor forum, I can't remember (so much to read ... so little time) but I've had this running for 14 days, 24/7 with no problems. All I did was lift pin 1 and 2 on U5 and solder a wire from pin 2 to the + side of the power input (underneath the board). This is probably not the best mod, but it seems to work for me. NOTE: This will make your board a 5v only. If you go over 6 of 7 volts you will fry your board!
Hope this helps.
jcmarksafb said:
I modified mine in a very simple way. I think it was in an lor forum, I can't remember (so much to read ... so little time) but I've had this running for 14 days, 24/7 with no problems. All I did was lift pin 1 and 2 on U5 and solder a wire from pin 2 to the + side of the power input (underneath the board). This is probably not the best mod, but it seems to work for me. NOTE: This will make your board a 5v only. If you go over 6 of 7 volts you will fry your board!
Hope this helps.

So just bypassing the voltage regulator.
This is how I have done 2 of mine, third season running, no problems. I just cut out the vReg with snibs and soldered a jumper :D