Ray's WS2811 12 Volt Strips, how do I hook them up?


Full time elf
Dec 14, 2011
Oroville, California
On the strips I got from Ray , he has Red for 12 volt, DIN is Blue & one of the Ground wires, and then another Ground wire. I was trying to do a test, putting the right switch up on the Switch, I out the ground in ground, Power to Power, and the Blur to DIN. No luck, nothing happened. What am I doing wrong?


Full time elf
Jan 4, 2013
Tucson, AZ
One more thing to look out for since I'm working with the same hardware. I just connected up my strings to test them out in test mode. Then after everything worked I was ready to begin trying to sequence something so I put the switches back to normal mode and it would never stop doing the test pattern. I did several reboots, power cycles, rebooting master from the webpage, asking for help in chat and nothing was working. Finally after a couple hours I discovered that if you check the box to enable E1.31 it will quit doing the test pattern. Seems strange to have the test pattern tied to that setting. The funny thing is my next step after getting it to stop doing the test pattern was going to be to enable the E1.31 so it would accept the data from LSP.
