Ray's WS2811 Pixel Ball

I used 120 of these outside this year (3 40ct strings).
All I can say is that I am glad that California had real mild winter. The most we had was rain 6 days in a row. (I know it's a rough life) After that, the pixels had water in them. I left for work in the morning and some were stuck on, so I unplugged the board. After a few days of drying, I turned them back on every morning and turned them off if they were stuck on (Like the old V1 firefli units) after a few days they were working again.
Just an FYI.
Kane said:
Is anyone else looking at using these balls?

I've asked Ray about an IP rated version - he's done some experimenting and is going to send me some samples, so will be interesting to see how they go. I want to use quite a few of them this year...

(he also said that they were already UV rated - has anyone experimented with leaving these out in the sun?)
I am planning on 300 to 400 of these this year, so a waterproof version would be better - saves me waterproofing them which was what I had planned
Mine were out in the sun from the end of november to the end of January. No shade, constant sun. They look fine to me. The green flourescent paint is a different story.
You can ask for whatever spacing you want. Ray is the man! Mine were 4" between balls.