Ready to throw in the towel for this year

OOhhh I feel your pain. I am so disheartening this year with all that is going wrong. I have all but given up. Even though I have a display outside and running, most of the sequences are last years and don't have the new elements in them, some of the props aren't even up, and I have blown up pixel strings because of stupid mistakes.
But then, My daughter asks if I can teach her how to sequence and the wife for the first time decides to try it also.
And then for the last couple of nights we hear cars out the front with a whole lot of people singing along to the tunes. So you kind of get a second wind.

Oh except for the wife who spent 2 days lip syncing let it go only to have vixen crash and destroy it all :-(

I don't suppose anyone knows what this is???

Exception in Timeline.Ruler.OnPaint():

Overflow error.
I feel all your pain... I am still migrating from LOR to XL with some minor Matrix issues....
I would go back and give XL another try.... it actually is getting easier to understand the more I play with it.

Good luck, hope you can have a show

I think we have all had the panic "Lost everything!! WTF! . but yes a backup can help, ACL , the chat and forums all good. Agree with bluzervic try XL4, switched from HLS to XL4 this year- first sequence s were crap- wanted to do HLS in XL4. it dosen't work (not even migrating was clean enough to work with old sequences)
So had to start afresh, for some good ideas on effects, look at lila's sequences on XL4 forum. You can reverse engineer some of her effects by watching the videos (and she's good at it as well)
HAppy to send some of mine to load into Xl4 and get and idea of what goes where and how it looks (not as smooth as Lilia's- but good enough i think for you cut and slash and learn from if you wish)
Cheers and best luck with the perseverence.
ANd yes i will make sure i have backup properly also