Release Release 2017.1. New xSchedule.exe, groups within groups and more


Dedicated elf
Jan 19, 2012
4217 Greenfinch Dr CO 80126
Yeah! Release 2017.1!!
Thanks to Dan, Keith and Gil. Awesome job guys!

This release will install two programs, xLights.exe and xSchedule.exe. Each have their own shortcut icon, if you choose to install with them.

I am NOT including the 64bit xLights with this release as I am having an issue on Windows 10. It is working fine on my Windows 7 machine as 64 bits. Ill figure it out and include it in next release of 2017.2,

Enjoy the new stuff from our developers::

Latest releases are found at
Issue Tracker is found here:

2017.1 Jan 31, 2017
-- enh (dkulp) Support groups within groups. Preview should be correct with groups within groups
-- enh (dkulp) Add sequence option for allowing blending of effects between models/groups
-- bug (dkulp) Fix problem in JobPool where not enough threads may be created
-- bug (gil) Fix import of LOR timings during new sequence wizard. Fixes #805.
-- enh (gil) Increase DMXModel selection area hotspot. Fixes #795.
-- bug (gil) Fix blue screen crash when turning off outputs while using LOR USB dongle. Fixes #797.
-- bug (gil) Fix forcing of color for RGB nodes in LMS import. Red and Blue were swapped.
-- enh (keith) Add xSchedule
-- enh (keith) Refactor output processing. This should generally be invisible other than some performance enhancements and
useability enhancements on the setup tab. This includes Fix #789, #808 and #812
-- fix (keith) Fix #760 - ESEQ elispses doesnt open dialog
-- enh (keith) Fix #796 - disable export effects if no sequence open
-- fix (keith) Fix #785 - mac crash due to UI update on background thread in Fireworks effect.
-- enh (keith) Optionally allow backup to backup xml files in subdirectories for users that dont keep their xml files in the show
directory itself but a folder underneath it