Reminder: Have you downloaded your old site media files? Old site archive will close soon

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Dedicated elf
Jun 30, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Hi all,

As the new site has been live for a few months now, the old site archive will be switched off after a few more weeks. For things like forum posts, attachments and wiki articles this is of zero concern as they were migrated over to this new site. However for media section pictures these couldn't be migrated over automatically.

While I have manually migrated some pictures (including their original authors) relating to past minis to this dedicated album, there are simply not enough hours in the day for me to manually migrate all 500-odd pictures, unfortunately.

So I would ask that if you do wish to bring over your pictures from the old site media area that you please do this soon. You can access your submitted files using the following link:;area=aevaitems.
Tip: You will need to log in for this link to display your files.

If the above link looks a bit like this then there were no pictures submitted to the old media
section from your account and so nothing to migrate over to here:
(plain forum attachments are unaffected since they were automatically migrated here :))

You can either pick and choose which pictures to download one-by-one by clicking on each thumbnail and then the download link for each picture... or you should be able to 'mass download' the contents of each of your albums into a zip file (one per album). Here's how you'd mass download your album images:

Questions? Please post them to the pinned topic in The Family Room:

Thanks :)
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