resetting function controller


New elf
Oct 4, 2014
Parkes 2870
First post here on ACL so hopefully I've read the rules correctly.

I have 16 sets of the BigW lights that a lot of you are familiar with and I have read that some have removed the factory controller all together or have altered it internally so that it is set to steady light at all times.

My question is what is the procedure to change the setting so that it only appears on another feature such as steady flash? is this even possible?
The reason i ask this is because i would like to set up my own style of sequence i guess you could call it. my budget simply doesn't allow for all the fancy gear that i wish i could have so I'm planning on simply using an ordinary power board with individual switches for each plug and just switching on each string of lights at a calculated interval in order to create the desired effect?

I do hope that explanation helps you understand what I am trying to do
Some of the more recent MFC (multi function controller) units do remember the last setting, so you *may* get away with turning them on and off under control of one or more timers.
I think I tried that last year but it didn't work to the effect that I was hoping for.
Hey Lenny.

I had mixed success with the MFC's remembering their settings last year. It seems every second controller didn't keep it's memory.

This year I've gone down the path of installing a pixel system with a DC controller board that the BIGW strings are connected to.

Parts I've used are:
- ECG-P2 from J1sys (purchased through
- 2811DC30 from Hanson Electronics (this is capable of controlling 15 of your BIGW strings (there also exists a DC15 model which can control 7 strings with 1 channel unused. This board is 'driven' by the ECG-P2
- 30V power supply from Ray Wu which runs the P2, DC30 and strings (I bought a spare for good measure also).

I don't know that this will help much so close to christmas. I've been building my display over a number of weeks now, but it might be useful for you next year if your strings being out of sync annoys you as much as it did my gf and I :)
Oh Gosh darn. I was hoping to avoid that if I could. Like most of us with the CLAP, my wifey doesn't understand why I want expand any more than what I already have.
Hmmmm....I think there is something on the wiki about adding a memory to the mfc....adding a capacitor at a certain point.

If I understand you want to have each string doing a particular thing? Something like slow fading red around a window, white marching ants on the gutter and a multicolour doing slow fades behind the eaves for a wall wash......

Just read up on it. I work as an arborist so dealing with small electronics will be a struggle to get used to doing this on a small scale. Is it possible to buy the electrolytic c[font=tahoma, sans-serif]apacitors [/font][font=tahoma, sans-serif]instore[/font][font=tahoma, sans-serif] are they only [/font][font=tahoma, sans-serif]available online?[/font]

If I understand you want to have each string doing a particular thing? Something like slow fading red around a window, white marching ants on the gutter and a multicolour doing slow fades behind the eaves for a wall wash......

Close Penguineer but not quite I want multi coloured ants and wireless fireflies floating around

Lenny said:
Just read up on it. I work as an arborist so dealing with small electronics will be a struggle to get used to doing this on a small scale. Is it possible to buy the electrolytic capacitors instore are they only available online?

Depending on where you are Jaycar should have everything you need. (since Dick Smith turned to appliances and Tandy is practically gone it's nearly your only brick and mortar option). Check their site for locations and stock.....

If I understand you want to have each string doing a particular thing? Something like slow fading red around a window, white marching ants on the gutter and a multicolour doing slow fades behind the eaves for a wall wash......

Close Penguineer but not quite I want multi coloured ants and wireless fireflies floating around

But basically for the MFC to stay on the one function night after night though? People at the end of my street spend about an hour every night pushing buttons to get all their lights onto the same "twinkle" effect" - too much work.

But basically for the MFC to stay on the one function night after night though? People at the end of my street spend about an hour every night pushing buttons to get all their lights onto the same "twinkle" effect" - too much work.


Sounds like you know my pain. Except I usually go this steady flash or slow to go. Im not a huge a fan of the slow twinkle but that's just me. I will check out what jay car have next time I'm near one and see how I go. Im still in the planning stages so not exactly sure on how it will all be set up as I try to change it up every year.