[Resolved] Emails to Outlook.com (Hotmail) addresses are currently blocked ... again


Senior elf
Jun 30, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Please be advised that Outlook.com is currently rejecting all AusChristmasLighting emails (such as new account verification messages, password reset instructions and watched thread/forum notifications). This affects email addresses ending in @outlook.com, @hotmail.com, @live.com and @msn.com.

Microsoft has been alerted of this problem and the issue has been escalated. The cause is currently unknown and an ETA for a resolution has not been supplied. A similar problem has happened before with Outlook.com and Microsoft did eventually fix it.

So what is the deal if your email address is affected?
  • The forum may eventually ask you to update your account details with an alternative email address so that you can receive AusChristmasLighting emails again. After a certain number of rejected AusChristmasLighting email messages, the forum will assume that this issue is permanent.
  • If you'd like to resume receiving AusChristmasLighting emails straight away, then you can change the email address associated with your AusChristmasLighting account to one with another email provider. To ensure that your newly updated email address exists and you have access to it, you'll be asked to click on a verification link sent to you by email.
  • Once Outlook.com accepts our emails again, there is nothing to say that you couldn't re-edit your account details to have AusChristmasLighting emails sent back to your Outlook.com provided email address. This would just mean having to complete another email verification.
If you recently signed up to AusChristmasLighting with an affected email address prior to this post, I have manually activated your account. As above, the forum may at some point ask you to nominate an alternative email address.

If you are about to create an account, my advice is to avoid signing up with an Outlook.com provided email address until this issue is resolved.

Update: Good news! Outlook.com has now started accepting AusChristmasLighting email messages again. It may take up to 48 hours for this change to apply to all affected email addresses.

With the outright email rejection problem mitigated by Microsoft, you may like to consider adding AusChristmasLighting.com to your list of safe senders and domains. This just removes the possibility of our emails ending up in your junk folder when you don't want them to.
  1. Ensure that you are logged into your Outlook.com email account in your web browser.
  2. At the top right side of the Outlook.com website, click the Settings cog icon.
  3. In the search box, enter in the term safe and choose Safe senders and domains
  4. In the Settings -> Junk email window that just opened, look for the heading Safe senders and domains and under it click the + Add button.
  5. In the text box, type in auschristmaslighting.com and press enter.
  6. At the bottom right, click the Save button to save your changes.
Unfortunately, this old problem of Outlook rejecting our emails has popped back up again. Microsoft has once more been notified that this block is in error.

Affected email addresses end in @outlook.com, @hotmail.com, @live.com and @msn.com. Please refer to my original post above for details.

For the small handful of new members who registered with one of the above email domains, your account has been manually activated since you could not receive our account confirmation email. But as before, eventually our site will ask you to change your email address if too many emails bounce.

Until this issue can be resolved, please avoid registering with Outlook.com managed email addresses.