review of MPH/JEC Pixels vs 6803 RGB Pixels


Full time elf
May 20, 2010
Irvine, the OC, CA
I got my 168 MPH/JEC RGB nodes mounted on my RGB Matrix alongside the 100 6803 RGB nodes.

I only have one enttec pro usb dongle right now so its hard to see the difference in the display with them both running, but I do have some comments on the mechanical side.

MPH/JEC nodes have UV protected cabling and waterproof and the design of the strawhat is much better for mounting in the 1/2" hole on my pegboard, overall a much better design than the 6803 nodes.

I understand that there are other RGB nodes strings using the WS2801 chips that might be a better mechanical design.

The current matrix is going to be 12*22 nodes on a 2" center, although I can see it might need to go to 15*24 nodes to increase the area of the matrix. I am also looking at a good way to diffuse the nodes. The initial tests that I have done are with the Madrix demo which only supports 1 universe, but the scrolling text does look quite acceptable from 30ft away. I would love to run this through Madrix but I dont have $1000 for that in my budget this year., so hopefully I can get LSP working with the EthConGateway and Tiger PB soon so that I can get some video to show how the project is progressing.

So the MPH pixels do use the 2801 chip? Can I ask what you paid for the string of 168 pixels? Is it possible to post photos of the pixels and the controller?

yes I stumbled across the order page as well, I did not see any updates to say that there was an ordering page.
neil how long did it take to get your Pixels when you ordered them. I ordered 4 strings from the web store on august 15th. have not gotten any updates from them. just curious how long it took you to receive yours.

I was one of the first to place an order 3rd week of June they arrived about 3 weeks later, however I understand that there is a backlog of orders with reponse-box so I would give it at least 4 weeks, they will let you know when they are ready to ship.

You can always drop them an email and ask when the expected ship date is going to be.
thank you. i sent a response from the google check out. it is not a big deal just curious.

Hi rob, a shipmnet is on its way to the USA right now, so you'll be seeing them very shortly.. We have been overwhelmed by demand.. Sorry its taken so liong, we are trying to keep a good stock on hand, but people keep buying them!
mrpackethead said:
Hi rob, a shipmnet is on its way to the USA right now, so you'll be seeing them very shortly.. We have been overwhelmed by demand.. Sorry its taken so liong, we are trying to keep a good stock on hand, but people keep buying them!

That's a *good* problem to have!
Mph, it is no big deal. glad to here you guys are doing so well with this. I was begining to wonder if the the google check out was working or not. Now how about the source code for the open controller? or even the hex code?
