RGB and the LOR twinkle effect


Full time elf
Sep 24, 2012
I have a white twinkle effect in my sequence that shows multi-colors cause LOR randomly turns the RGB channels off/on and not as one whole pixel. Has anyone found a solution to this? I tried the toggle trick but didnt work?
The only way I know for twinkle white is to use the macro/colour effects. See the manual for details, but the manual indicates you can do a white and control its speed & resolution.

Note this is an effect I have not played with.
this works for 2811 strips from ray wu and not the ccr ribbons from LOR? Is this the macro where you create extra channels and one controls the speed and another channel controls the effect and another for color?
yzguy96 said:
this works for 2811 strips from ray wu and not the ccr ribbons from LOR? Is this the macro where you create extra channels and one controls the speed and another channel controls the effect and another for color?

The LOR macro effects are built into the LOR CCR controller. There are 150 normal channels (50 rgb) then channels 151-157.
Channel 151 – Current logical resolution
Channel 152 – Macro mode
Channel 153 – Macro submode
Channel 154 – Macro effect control
Channel 155 – Color effect mode
Channel 156 – Color speed

Channel 157—Color intensity
For more detail - see the manual at: http://www.lightorama.com/PDF/CR150D_Man_Web.pdf pp16-24
Why not just copy a row (right click, select row, copy) and paste into red green and blue. Outcome would be white.
THe only way I have found to do it is to expand a strand and copy the red row row(as John says above) and multiple paste into the green and blue channels
DO this each time for 10 or so strands to get a randomish twinkle and copy then multiple paste into the remaining strands.
I quite like the multi-coloured twinkle so have left that in for a lot of my sequences. I only went to the trouble of making an all white twinkle in 2 songs
DougieB said:
THe only way I have found to do it is to expand a strand and copy the red row row(as John says above) and multiple paste into the green and blue channels
DO this each time for 10 or so strands to get a randomish twinkle and copy then multiple paste into the remaining strands.
I quite like the multi-coloured twinkle so have left that in for a lot of my sequences. I only went to the trouble of making an all white twinkle in 2 songs

I actually liked the effect this created too and have left it the way it was. I was originally wanting white but gave me a real funky effect. Went well with the sections of songs I used it for.
So create a twinkle effect on the red channel then copy to blue and green?
That is what I had to do. Do that for 10-15 pixels then copy bulk pixels to give a fairly random twinkle in white
how did you create the twinkle effect on the red? Did you use the twinkle effect using LOR twinkle effect? I thought I tried this but i will try again
No, had to manually cerate a twinkle by rndom off and on in the red channel and then copy that to the blue and green channel. Then repeat for the other channels, until I got enough to cpy and paste onto each strip. Bit labour intensive but works
If you use the twinkle effect it just randomly turns the channels on and off and you end up with the multicolour edffect again
For a solid Color twinkle what I would do is create a timming grid of about 0.04 and expand the grids so you can see them and do random on and offs like 2 on then 1 off then 1 on then 2 off etc copy and paste that for all three colors for that one pixel then copy that to the end of the timming you want it to twinkle in now copy that whole timing and paste it one cell over in the next RGB channel and repeat for about 5 pixels finally copy all 6 RGB channels and paste them to the bottom of the list and it will give you a random twinkle of white