RGB Channel Count - need verification


Full time elf
Sep 24, 2012

Just want to make sure I have the concept right before I keep entering my RGB channel setup in LOR. I have the WS2811IC strips which are 150 channels - 50 pixels with 3 channels? I bought the P2 which now hold 8 DMX universes with the new firmware? So in LOR my channels look like this?

DMX - Universe 1
strip 1 - channels 1-150
strip 2 - 151-301
strip 3 - 302 - 452

DMX Universe 2
strip 4 - 1-150
strip 5 - 151-301
strip 6 - 302-452

so on.....Do I got it right? Hate to have to manually change all the circuits in the LOR channel setup manually again.


I think the P2 is pretty flexible in it's setup. You can either do it the way you have done which you have done (it's 151-300 and 301-450 by the way) or I believe that you can use the full 512 channels and configure where the strips are under the control of the P2.
ok thanks..that math makes sense and what i expected but i was setting up LOR manually and my channels got miscounted by one so now i have to go through all 50 channels and update the circuit count. Isnt there an easier way in LOR to create a new device and start the count at any number sequencially for the next 50 channels so I can say start this device at 151 and add 150 channels?
If you find an easy way then let me know. I'm editing my sequences that i used last year for use this year and I have a few hundred channels that i need to rearrange.
lol ok...so in your initial setup you had to do the same? I should have added all 512 channels to my first universe then converted to RGB and then grouped each 150 channels as one strip...im going to try that once i get to the 2nd universe. I just went through all 50 channels of my second strip to correct the numbering. Only 8 more strips to enter times 150 channels...seems like LOR missed this a nice little feature to renumber or control what channel a device can start on?