RGB Flex Strip


New elf
Dec 20, 2011
Ocala, Fl.
I used this on my roof line and windows for a second year, besides a couple of sections loosing 1 colour it has performed well. The current draw is approximatly 0.2 amps per colour per metre so that equates to 1 amp per colour for a 5 metre strip or a total of 3 amps when white (all colours on)
I too used thps strip and did some measurements for a LOR member:

I had previously done some current checks, but had a spare 5m 5050 30/m strip so I rechecked currents. Note that in my display, I have only ever fed a 5m strip from 1 end and I can't really see a gradation in colour or intensity along the strip. I have never joined strips end to end.
To clarify whether powering both ends might be necessary, I did 3 measurements with each colour combination, all using a 12V DC supply.
(1) All powered from 1 end.
(2) Common +ve connected to both ends, but individual colours (-ve) powered from 1 end. and
(3) Supply connected to both ends.
Results - currents in amps.
Colour (1) (2) (3)
red 0.72 0.81 0.85
green 0.62 0.74 0.79
blue 0.68 0.77 0.85
R+G 1.18 1.46 1.53
R+B 1.25 1.49 1.55
G+B 1.13 1.43 1.55
R+B+G 1.74 2.06 2.24
Connecting the common +ve to both ends makes a significant difference, but adding the -ves to both ends does not make much more of a change. Based on my experience, for your 7.5m drops, I would cut a ribbon in half, then power each section (1 full + 1 half ribbon) from the same point at 2.5m in.

Note that I have seen some variations in Ray Wus ribbons - most of mine are distinctly pinkish when on at full power on RGB - ie white. For other colour combinations, the differences are barely noticeable.

One other item I found - I got some 60Led/m, 24V ribbons for wall wash. These must have been made up and produced the correct LED currents at 21V rather than 24V. Checking the resistors in these ribbons showed they were the same as in 12V ribbon. Correctly they should have been double the 12V values. I ended up driving these with some losses in my connecting cables to partially offset the tendency to overdrive them at 24V.

Hope this helps Geoff
Thanks Geoff

That is a very detailed study & very helpful. After some thought I have decided to just use the 5M strips this means I will have a space at the top & bottom of the roof. Another though is start the strip at the peak run it down & where it ends add a Coro Snowflake.

View: https://vimeo.com/24059437

Just another thought that way I only need to power from one end.
