Screen shots of Sequencing?


New elf
Nov 29, 2012
Just curious if anyone wanted to post up a screen shot of thier sequence? I just started with HLS and it seems that the file would become extremly large when sequencing a show with all RGB. Is this correct thinking?
yes it is, but as songs are repetitive , so can then sequencing, ie if you a section donew for the chorus you can copy the sequence from chorus to chorus and then change colours/tweak thinsg so that are slightly differnent. I have only 3 universe's and you ahve to scroll down to see the whole thing on HLS. however thats no big deal as you can setup the segemenst you want to , ot work on each segement , ie archs, bells ,caneS....... etc. So persevere, its woth it!!

cheers Boof63
not to mention, the pixel plane in HLS. Basically it is all your RGB channels of one element for a particular segment on ONE channel in the sequence. Angus40 or Joe would be the best to help you with this as I am still learning, and will be adding RGB for 2013.

For some great tutorials, visit Angus40's Vimeo channel...