Sequencing Dumb rgb elements tips needed


Senior elf
Dec 23, 2011
Could you seasoned vetrans share some tips on sequencing things like rgb mini trees and any other type dumb rgb elements.

I have been sequencing some single channels for arches-fans and have created some good effects but now i have move to dumb rgb and seem to have hit the wall in creative ideas .


When working in RGB space i think of the effect i want to apply, such as ramp up/down twinkle etc THEN I think about what colour to use, colour choice could be part of setting the mood. ie quiet bits might be pastel shades whilst heavy bass could be vibrant solid colours.

just a couple thoughts

Just to get me in the groove of a song, I will do all the sequence first in white and then change the colors later. I find it is easier getting the patterns down without color first because then I can take a look at the whole picture and then fill in the colorsl. Just like a crayon coloring book..
Thanks for your replies , have been creating rgb effects in hls and discovered some interesting characteristics that maybe be a unique way to achieve madrix type layered effects with a time grid sequencer.

i have discovered a simplified way to sequence ,say a mega tree that is 8 universes with multiple effects.

After reading your replies i can see where and how i can apply some of the rgb effects elsewhere for the non intel fixtures

Sequencing dumb RGB is like sequencing with individual strings except you now have the extra effect of colour mixing. So instead of a string only being the one colour and 1 channel, a string is 3 channels and can mix those primary colours together to get any colour.

Unfortunatly for you this is your first year so where many have already learnt sequencing dumb elements and know how to take advantage of those elements due not having intelligent RGB previously, instead you have jumped in straight with pixels as well so you have the learning curve of both styles.

But if thought out, using RGB intelligent pixels with Dumb RGB, you can create illusions that the dumb RGB lights appear to be intelligent lights. Most of my house has dumb RGB, but ive used it in conjunction with intelligent strip on the gutter line to create that illusion. Many people have said to me that they thought my whole house was intelligent RGB. This approach has actually kept my overall channel numbers down thus allowing me easier sequencing.
Its funny you should say this , i was thinking of cutting up a few dumb rgb strings with my short 8 count pixel strings and mixing for my icicles.

hmmm choices choices choices. The more ideas i get ........the more work it creates .

Time to stop getting ideas for 2012 lol.

thanks for the replies.