Sequencing Singing Christmas trees


Full time elf
Apr 21, 2016
Glass House Mountains
How difficult is it to program/sequence singing Christmas trees?
I have not attempted it and have no idea where to begin.

I have four trees that I purchased 2nd hand.
They are timber framed coro and use M6 MytBrite LED lights for the outline and faces.

[/size]I have LOR sequence editor [font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] 4.3.14 Pro edition.[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I have sound mixed a 3 minute lightshow that includes a short segment for the trees singing.[/font]
Any tips on sequencing, links to "How to" tutorials would be welcomeI would also be prepared to pay someone to do this short singing tree sequence for me.
Thanks for the link

I have listed in the LOR section of this site also.

just need somewhere to start, and this site is the best starting place.

Thanks again :)
I hooked over to:
and there is a gentleman there who offers free singing face sequencing.
He will send you his sequence(s) and if he doesn't have it, he will create it - you just have to wait in line.