Setting up a Christmas Display Video 101 - A Must View if Your New


I have C.L.A.P
Global moderator
Apr 26, 2010
Albion Park NSW
I came across this video that was created by Grant from Highbury, South Australia He has been kind enough to allow us to post it here

A very professional tutorial showing how to build different elements for your Christmas display and how to use Light O Rama S2 software and equipment to make it all run.

A must view if you are new to this hobby or if your interested in adding some new elements to your display

How I Built My Christmas Lights Display 2009


You can also visit his Vimeo groups page at
Re: Setting up a Christmas Display Video 101 - A Must Veiw if Your New

I'll start with saying that most American's knowledge of Australia is what they see on the walls of the Outback Steakhouse chain of restaurants here in the United States. I had no idea that what we call mini lights are called fairy lights down there. Is it typical for that much customization of lights strings to occur there?

Here is another ‘Lighting 101’ presentation I put together last year:
Re: Setting up a Christmas Display Video 101 - A Must Veiw if Your New


I would say that the customization you see in that video is quite normal and would be considered by many be viewed as minor.

It's one of the complications for anyone over here when trying to learn, based on information that is 110v US centric.

Re: Setting up a Christmas Display Video 101 - A Must Veiw if Your New

dmoore said:
I'll start with saying that most American's knowledge of Australia is what they see on the walls of the Outback Steakhouse chain of restaurants here in the United States. I had no idea that what we call mini lights are called fairy lights down there. Is it typical for that much customization of lights strings to occur there?

As the producer of the video I think it is fair to say that yes it is not that uncommon. Cheap lights are usually only found in the department stores and they are all geared to having their own built in controllers. Mono-chromatic strings are rare and so it can take a bit of effort to put together sufficient quantities of lights at a good price. Also, a lot of the customisation in my rig came from the desire to stick with DC controllers. I dont know how tolerant 110v is for water and safety, but in our case at 240V you have to be very careful as it is quite easy to get into serious trouble if you are not careful, and it is easier to let the smoke out of controllers too :)

P.S. We dont have "Bloomin Onions" in Australia either :) (dont know where the Outback Steakhouse got those from - but I didnt recognise them when I tried some in Seattle in 2008 :))
Re: Setting up a Christmas Display Video 101 - A Must Veiw if Your New

What a great way to help others out, I to have bought the LOR controllers and have been experimenting on programing and finding it very hard at times doing it, i find out if you program in sections from start to finish ie mega tree first from start to finish of a song it tends to make the job quicker, (just my point of view)
I have to give you 15 out of 10 for what you have done, once again a great job.
Thank You
nice video ! that will help everybody, even us in the us that are at outback steakhouse eating a blooming onion thinking about the land down under.

have a good new year mate !!