Setting up "dead" pixels

Max Kabilafkas

Apprentice elf
Dec 19, 2020
I have a series of mini trees that are connected in series that use 190 pixels each. I have used 4 X 50 node to wire them, so each tree has 10 unused pixels at the end.

I tried to set this up on xlights by saying that each tree (except for the first one) has 10 null pixels at the beginning. But when I tried to upload this change to my controller it has an error.

Is this the right way to go about setting this up? And if so, any idea why I would be getting an error?


PixLitw 16 MkII

Error says:
Upload warnings:
WARN: String port 3 has model settings that can't be uploaded
Maybe because Pixlites only allow nulls at the beginning of the string? One of the reasons I stopped using them. The right thing to do would be cut off 10 pixels and use the right amount of pixels per prop
Sounds similar to what @christmasdave needed with his extra pixels ....

Situation is slightly different, but the solution is the same.

Here's a link (ignore the Advatek settings)