Show Schedule & Community Engagement


Bayrise Lights
Nov 15, 2019
Urangan - Hervey bay
Hi All

Just wondering how people have set up their schedules? (ie how many songs per set, how many shows per night, mix up the playlist per show or per day).

I am thinking of running one show per night of approx 6 songs <20mins> except Friday & Saturday running x2 shows and having three different playlist to cycle.

Also asking how you have engaged with the community especially in those first few years when people didn't know your show and what to expect? Ie sharing on Facebook community pages, entering local council promotion etc

I've spent the whole year learning from mostly this group reading almost every thread and I am on the home stretch for first show I have flashy lights, great sequences (some free ones, some paid & some made), Some spare parts ready and still no idea if first lights will go off without a hitch.


Just play my 20 minute play list between 7 and 10pm on repeats for all of December
i do a mix of songs and it is up to you there is no right or wrong way. I am out the front most nights giving out candy canes and engaging with visitors. trust me i have been doing sequenced lights for 11 years and you will be lucky if everything runs perfectly we all have to do running repairs or edits to sequences but that is all part of it
I'm in the same board, I'm still trying to work out how to install some stuff. Hoping to start putting it up next week when I have a week off.

Your just up the road from me Jayxdallis I'm on the Sunshine Coast!!!
Same order of songs for me each night, may add new sequences during December but apart from that, show on loop runs around 20-30 mins and the same every night.

As for engagement, I have a Facebook and Instagram page to show build photos during the year and to give safety and display time updates in December.
My wife says I spend enough time on lights all year so I don't spend hours out the front every night to greet people, unless of course I need to do any traffic management on busier nights and if friends/family pop over for a visit. I plan my show to be fully automatic, I don't have to be home for it to start or finish.
Thanks for the responses, I too wish to automate as much as possible I just had installed one of those Bunnings Grid connect 2 gang sockets installed in my garage and data right where my main controller is. the cool thing is I can schedule automatically the on off times to my controller and which days to schedule. So I set the times 30 mins either side of show start and this also controls FM broadcasting to the same times. Also ties in with my home automation setup

I found last year when my show ran for around 40 minutes, that people tended to stay for a long time. This tended to cause issues with lots of traffic (i live in a court) due to cars being parked for a long time. I ended up with a neighbor complaining about loud music (from people listening on their car radios with windows open), and those horrible loud diesel engines being left on.
So this year assuming we get the all clear from the HoHoHo government, I am going to try 3-4 songs, followed by a total blackout, except for tune to and other info scrolling on a couple of matirxes, for 2 minutes with voice overs asking to respect neighbors, dont park over driveways etc...