Slip Rings and E1.31 data....


Full time elf
Dec 29, 2013
Hey folks,

Just wondering if anyone has done anything with E1.31 data transfer over a slip ring in a rotating project?

I have a choice i guess, I either put 12v through the slip ring (not comfortable putting 240v through one in an outdoor display, even if my sparky bro does it), and mount the controller on the rotating part somehow, or i put 12v and data through it, keeping everything in 1 box off the rotating part.

Anyone have any opinions on this or any experience.

What lights are on the rotating part of the project?

Does the controller have to be on that or can the pixel data (not E1.31) go on the slip rings?

Sending E1.31 data (Ethernet) over slip rings could be fun seeing it normally travels over twisted pairs.
hold the thought on e1.31, im silly, i meant pixel data, im no genius. haha.
id run e1.31 to the controller at the box and it would send + gnd and data to the pixels.

will be running ws2811 pixels nodes or something similar on the unit.
I've only ever send plain DC (dimmed via PWM) over slip rings, but you should be ok with pixel data.

It would be easy to test; just grab a slip ring off eBay and wire it in series with some pixels.

No need to go full scale for the test. :)
yeah, ill get a 30amp one and go from there i think. all good, just thought someone may have had some experience. ill get gear togerther for some new year testing. right after i clean up the area imma designate to "xmas creations" at the desk in the computer room.
Mmm yes this is something ive been thinking and questioning for some time now ! As one of my projects this year was to build a carousel but didn't happen this year other projects took over and ran out of time ! My plan was to run power only through slip rings and have controller and everything on board with a spare rasberry pi we have . Plan to be all hidden in centre cavity out of harms way safely and tottally waterproofed by the roof as such . I am very curious about running data through the slip rings as my concern in my head was getting possible interference or data loss if not straight away but eventually ?
But yes please let us know how you're testing goes.
Or if anyone else has experienced would also like to know .
I run lights on my ferris wheel, and had the technicolour pixles (2811) working fine. then swapped over to 2811 let strip, also data and power thru slip ring and all is good, all up 176 pixles around the circumference of the ferris wheel all working fine thru the slip ring

here is a video of it in action
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I was doing some research on some random electronics stuff and I was reading about a way to transfer power from a stationary platform to a moving platform, and the suggestion was to use Wireless charging coils similar to the ones that are in mobile phones. The did mention that they put 12v in and on the other side were receiving 5v out, that would be enough to power up some 5v pixels, some further research and it seems some of the charging coils will do 200w (However it didn't say what voltage) so this might be another way of sending voltage across to a ferris wheel, and perhaps Pixel data could also be send using the same charging coils or something similar?

Anyway saw this on Mouser electronics perhaps one of the more electronicly knowledgable people could make a recommendation on this as they seem very cheap.