SmartReceiver V2.01


New elf
Oct 8, 2018
Hi all, am new to this 'game', have bought a SmartReciever V2.01 to hopefully connect to my Falcon Controller F16V3 (which also has an expansion card connected), can't find too much on the dip switches for this type, if I was to only run one SmartReciever off the DMX1 on the Main Board, on the SmartReciever V2.01 should the RS rotary switch be set to '0' and the Terminator Dip Switches all Set to On... Thanks

Also as the Receiver will be a long way off the main board it needs a separate power supply, on this I will only be running about about 300 x WS2811 12v Pixels (probably off about 3 separate outputs), do I need to run the same kind of LRS-350-12 350W Mean Well Power Supplies as the main board, or as I won't be power injecting can I possibly get away with some kind of single output power supply, suggestions would be appreciated.. Many thanks Heidi


Full time elf
Dec 28, 2016
Sunshine Coast
This might help with using the 2.01 receiver with the F16v3.
About second post down they mentioned the switch settings. There are different settings for Falcon old/new and Kulp.

In regards to the power supply, you just run ethernet cable from the F16 to the receiver. The receiver can have it's own power supply, and it's completly separate to the main psu. For example I run my F16v3 on 5V for my mega tree, and run a receiver off the DMX port to another box to run 12V pixels on my house. The only connection is the ethernet cable.

When you use the DMX port, you have to set that up in your falcon F16v3.


New elf
Oct 8, 2018
Thanks for your reply, still a bit confused though, if I only have one SmartReciever connected to the Main Controller, does that mean I set the RS rotary dial to '0' and Termination 'ON' for 'Native/Normal' mode. Or as it is a V3 it connects to, do I set the dial to 1 with Termination still on as this is first and last SmartReciever connected. There is a table on the back I had noticed that could be read to be either way I have written above, but the table doesn't mention the Termination Dip Switches, did find a document on the Falcon Controllers V4 and Expansion Boards which seems to suggest that the Termination switches should be on on the last SmartReciever


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New elf
Oct 8, 2018
Also for the power supply for the Receiver was trying to keep this simple as possible, is there something else I can use to supply the Reciever with Power instead of a Meanwell larger supply with multiple outputs, I still need 12v as all my Pixels are 12V but is there something smaller or with only one output I could use. What is the recommended current needed for a Reciever, as I mentioned it would only be running about 300 Pixels max at 30%.. thanks again


Crazy elf
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 19, 2021
Western Sydney
Termination should always be set on the last receiver in the chain. This is irrespective of using Smart or dumb modes. It's part of the electrical function of the signals on the cable, as opposed to the "type of data" being sent across them. The simplest way to think about it - if you're using both 8p8c jacks, no termination. If you're only using one, switch on the termination.

As for the mode switch - you can set either as 0, or as 1, however - the differences being:
0 - This is dumb mode - No more can be chained. No specific setup is required in xLights or the controller, other than using the four pixel outputs as normal.
1/A - This is smart mode - More can be chained as 2+3/B-F depending on the V3/V4 controller. You will need to tell xLights/Falcon that you have your props on the first smart receiver. This will then allow the correct data to be sent from the controller. You burn your max pixel count by a handful (10?) by running in smart mode due to the extra data needed.

Personally, I would use dumb mode if you never intend to chain them. It also means that you can use _any_ receiver, such as ones from Hanson Electronics in AU, or Wizard of Wire in the US, etc, some of which may be more cost effective and/or in greater supply than the Falcon receivers.


New elf
Oct 8, 2018
Many thanks for that, very helpful.
Just wondering if you have any suggestions on my last question above about which power supply I can use for just my falcon controller.. thanks


Crazy elf
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 19, 2021
Western Sydney
You just need to work out the pixel power that's needed. So for 300 pixels it would be much smaller requirement. Just downsize from the 350W PSU to something smaller. The "number of outputs" is irrelevant - those are just connected underneath, just gives you more points of attachment to be able to connect multiple things to it. How you use it is based on the current draw of each thing attached.

I would imagine that you could put in a 100W power supply to cover that without much hassle.
Would you ever increase the number of pixels on the receiver in the future? It might just be easier to build it "full size" to begin with. The price difference isn't that great between a slightly smaller one and the usual one that people use.


New elf
Jan 26, 2021
I was contemplating the same question about power supplier for my receiver box build and going with a smaller one (say 100v vs. the standard 350v.), but the advantages were not there.

Meanwell does make some smaller sized 100v power supplies, so if you wanted to make a more "compact" receiver box, this would be beneficial, but the cost difference was only like $25 to $30. I could build the smaller box and limit the number of pixels across the four outputs, just for the size factor, or just build the box with the 350V for only a few dollars more, and have a lot of room in the future for more pixels off the smart receiver if I needed it.

I haven't actually built mine yet, but have the parts for the receiver enclosure, and will be using a Meanwell 350v power supply.


New elf
Dec 12, 2023
Buna ziua. Sunt incepator si sunt foarte confuz.
Am comandat un f16v5, gata de rulare, echipat cu un receptor SRx4v4 si patru surse de alimentare. Toate sunt într-o cutie. Am două rânduri de pixeli 12v ws2811 pentru eșanție. Mă conectez la controler cu raspberrypi5, FPP. Pot controla cele 16 porturi ale controlului și primele 4 porturi ale SRx4. Următoarele porturi de pe SRx 4 nu pot fi configurate. Cele patru LED-uri de pe SRx4 sunt aprinse. Vă rog să-mi dați un sfat, un ajutor, ca să-mi dau seama unde greșesc. Nu sunt convins dacă SRx4 v4 este compatibil cu f16v5. Va multumesc anticipat si imi cer scuze pentru ignoranta mea.


Senior elf
Apr 2, 2022
Cherry St., Hudson MA USA
Acesta va fi un răspuns tradus, scuze anticipate. De asemenea, pentru lucruri de genul acesta, vă sugerez să începeți un thread nou.

Nu ai spus cu adevărat cum testezi/configurezi asta. Indiferent dacă este de pe pagina web a controlerului sau xLights.

Îți voi sugera două lucruri de verificat.

Asigurați-vă că selectorul este corect:

Asigurați-vă că portul Falcon este configurat ca un receptor inteligent care este, de asemenea, același cu selectorul. Asigurați-vă că încărcați pe controler și asigurați-vă că pagina web a controlerului reflectă ceea ce doriți.


Dacă nu vă puteți da seama, vă rugăm să faceți un nou thread cu mai multe informații, cum ar fi fila controlerului, vizualizatorul, conexiunea controlerului în xLights, pagina web a controlerului, setarea selectorului de placă etc.