soldering Surface mount devices


Full time elf
Jun 26, 2010
Baulkham Hills
I use 0.5 mm diameter solder to hand solder SOIC. it is fast and the results are great for small quantities.
If any Australian folk want to try some, pm me you address and I'll post you some.
If you use TSSOP packages, let me know and I will include some 0.35mm solder also.
I'm using much bigger solder than that, and can reliably hand solder .4mm TQFP, a 100 pin chip takes about 30seconds to complete.. I'm using a much bigger tip that you'd expect, its a hoof tip. The technique is a drag across the pins, the "hoof" acts as a well of solder.. Using the appropriate flux this works really well, on even the most fine pitched devices without many problems with bridging.. I was very forutnate to have been able to get some one on one training with the techs in the factory that assembly my pcbs..

If your pcb is HASL ( hot air solder leveled ) theres just enough solder to get the first pins tacked to the board without applying any more....