Someone dobbed me in!


Dedicated elf
Jan 5, 2014
I may not win the local xmas lights competition (because the judges stayed for all of 20 seconds and in a slow part of a song)
But people are certainly talking about me.
I just had the ABC radio ring me up and interview me live on air about my lights.
I must say it was a bit of a surprise. I wonder how the traffic is going to be tonight :p
we had similar scamper... had a HUGE amount of people come past last night, but we don't know where it was advertised. Had a photographer come through, didn't mention where he was from either, he left before i could chat to him.
Very cool scamp welldone Im hoping you will still talk to us now as your famous ! We made it in to the news paper again so thats enough for me but a live conversation on radio station is awesome not sure how I would go with that ! Welldone mate
the grinch said:
Very cool scamp welldone Im hoping you will still talk to us now as your famous ! We made it in to the news paper again so thats enough for me but a live conversation on radio station is awesome not sure how I would go with that ! Welldone mate

It just got worse!
I just received a cal from Tim that hosts the national ABC radio show and he is going to ring me on xmas eve for a talk live on national radio!
how ridiculous is that!
You can all tune in at around 9.30pm east coast time. haha.... even I wouldn't do that! I will be handing out candy canes and good cheer.
But it is 6.30pm for me, so it isn't even dark yet when he will ring me :)
I have always found media coverage to be a bad thing because there is only so many cars and people that can see the show before it gets out of hand and you become public enemy to many of your neighbours.
if you want to run a big show and dont' want all the hassle of having it at home solve the problem by finding somewhere else more suitable to have it..

A local shop or building or any number of other places that are much better placed to have a lot of people.
multicast said:
if you want to run a big show and dont' want all the hassle of having it at home solve the problem by finding somewhere else more suitable to have it..

A local shop or building or any number of other places that are much better placed to have a lot of people.

Nice thought, but as like many here, I usually work on my display when I have time and sometimes am still working on it until late at night, so to do that elsewhere would tend to feel like going to work instead of a fun hobby.
scamper said:
multicast said:
if you want to run a big show and dont' want all the hassle of having it at home solve the problem by finding somewhere else more suitable to have it..

A local shop or building or any number of other places that are much better placed to have a lot of people.

Nice thought, but as like many here, I usually work on my display when I have time and sometimes am still working on it until late at night, so to do that elsewhere would tend to feel like going to work instead of a fun hobby.

I agree because I have done a few light installations away from home and without being able to enjoy it and be out the front having a nice cold beer with neighbours then its hard to enjoy and doesn't have the same feeling.
Not at all wanting to hijack the thread, but thought you may all get a laugh out of a couple things we got roped into this year, and given Scampi is also in WA, thought this was a good spot.

Channel Nine (Perth) did their weekday weather forecasts from a few different houses for a few weeks in December. I'd normally say no to this sort of thing, but given we've done a bit of cross promotion this year with the wife's new silent disco hire business (, I figured it'd be a good idea..

Anyway, they did an initial cross (video below), but then came back later on to do the full weather.

And then a few days later, I get a call from the Today show, asking if they could do a live cross to us.. Given we're in WA, they figured they could have it still dark here when it was 7:45 over east (4:45am here). As it turns out, they were running a little late, so it was pretty light by the time the interview came around.

I'm really not a fan of having my face on TV (especially getting up at 4am to do so!) And they did throw me a bit by asking the same question twice, and not asking me about the silent disco (which was one of the questions I was expecting)..

I found the technical side of things interesting - they had a device (can't remember the name) that transmitted the signal from the camera - it had 5 telstra sim cards in it, and obviously bonded the connections to get the bandwidth.. They had some issues setting it up - given Channel 9 in Perth is usually HD, the camera was setup for HD but they had to reconfigure things to transmit in SD instead (due to national coverage I suppose?).. A tech from HQ was remotely logged into the device to reconfigure it all.. The device also had a headpiece setup which the cameraman used, and then I had his phone connected to another headpiece so I could hear the hosts.. Interesting stuff
Nice work Kane.
I don't believe you are hijacking this thread, seeing as so much of my stuff used to be yours anyway :)
I did try to wangle in my new party hire business on the radio too, but the first interview was such a shock and the second one was somewhat different to what I expected.
When I spoke to him off air he was so full of personality laughing and making jokes, when I went live on air he was so dry and didn't ask any of the questions he previously asked.
It was very different, maybe they have to be like that on ABC ::)