Stuck on a desert island


My name is Graham & I love flashing lights!
Global moderator
Dec 27, 2011
Cranbourne West
So we were randomly discussing at work: if you were stuck on a desert/deserted island, what one thing would you want to have with you?
So I thought for a bit of fun, I'd see what the ACL community would answer - aaaaand go! :)
Is the answer of a satellite phone cheating lol
Depends if it is totally deserted and void of any trees and rocks or does it have trees and rocks. If it has trees and rocks then some matches would be an essential item, once you got fire you are kind of set. If it was devoid of any rocks or trees then a cyanide pill to end it quickly :)
Is the answer of a satellite phone cheating lol
Depends if it is totally deserted and void of any trees and rocks or does it have trees and rocks. If it has trees and rocks then some matches would be an essential item, once you got fire you are kind of set. If it was devoid of any rocks or trees then a cyanide pill to end it quickly :)

Wow, creativity at its finest. :)