Technicolor quality?

I had ordered one string to see if I liked it... when I tried to hook it up, which I did so according to the diagram on Ray's site, nothing happened, maybe the first light went white... I ended up cutting off the first pixel and hook up to the wires leading to pixel 2 and the whole string lit... I then went back and snipped the incoming connector off and connected to pixel 1's wire directly and it worked... that led me to believe that something was wrong with the connector... I never proved that out either way. I then put the string of 48 up on my gutter outside (attached to a 10' length of PVC with zip ties) and had a pretty good amount of intermittent working and not working over the next few weeks... I moved that PVC pipe up to one of my ridges on my roof to test out a ridge mounting strategy and it the string started working perfectly and still is... very weird...

Even with that, I still went ahead and ordered 20 more strings to do my entire roof with 'em... I only needed 17 or 18 strings, so I have 2-3 extra... I will be curious to see if I got a bad string of if issues persist. Ray was supposed to send me a replacement string, which he hasn't... but then again, he hasn't sent my 150 string order yet either... looks like I better plan on using a good amount of vacation time in December!
Hmmm that goes along with what happened to a friend of mine. It was either the connector or first pixel. There might be an issue with the pigtail manufacturer because I had a white 4 core one go out on me from the batch I bought this year. .. spent an hour cutting and soldering 2801 pixels. . just happened to grab the pigtail and poof. . everything came on.
jediknight2 said:
Hmmm that goes along with what happened to a friend of mine. It was either the connector or first pixel. There might be an issue with the pigtail manufacturer because I had a white 4 core one go out on me from the batch I bought this year. .. spent an hour cutting and soldering 2801 pixels. . just happened to grab the pigtail and poof. . everything came on.

i LOL'd, cause i have done the same previously

now when ever i have any issue with my strips or modules, the first thing i do is apply pressure to the pigtail.
So far I can say this...with my J1SYS ECG-P2 I have had some issues with the technicolor. Theres a sweet spot on refresh rate..outside of that the lights act funny, lock up on white, etc. I hooked that same string up to my problem, no lockup of the pixels.
jediknight2 said:
So far I can say this...with my J1SYS ECG-P2 I have had some issues with the technicolor. Theres a sweet spot on refresh rate..outside of that the lights act funny, lock up on white, etc. I hooked that same string up to my problem, no lockup of the pixels.

Can you provide some more details on the refresh rate? My technicolor a will arrive today ready to be hooked up to a J1sys so any "good setting" advice would be appreciated.
viennaxmas said:
jediknight2 said:
So far I can say this...with my J1SYS ECG-P2 I have had some issues with the technicolor. Theres a sweet spot on refresh rate..outside of that the lights act funny, lock up on white, etc. I hooked that same string up to my problem, no lockup of the pixels.

Can you provide some more details on the refresh rate? My technicolor a will arrive today ready to be hooked up to a J1sys so any "good setting" advice would be appreciated.

I'm running Technicolor Pixels on P2 and P12S controllers at 3200 Kbps and I'm not having any problems at all. I got that number form the UBL Procedures Document included with the 3.2 Firmware Update.