Thank you to ACL


Suburbs of Philadelphia
May 16, 2010
Pottstown, PA USA
Just thought it would be nice, and felt right to make my 200 post here a Thank You to all the members and support team. Been around here for a while, and can say with out all the wonderful knolege learned from Chat sessions and reading countless threads, my display would be no where as nice. (and I am sure RayWu, Mouser, and DigitKey thanks ya too :-\ ) I look forward to every time I get a chance to log on and see whats new, and what everybody is up to in chat. Special thanks to those behind the scenes keeping the server and database up. And a thanks to all those that contribute to the Wiki, hands down, one of the best on the net I have seen.

To all the members, thank you for keeping this a place where one can come and fee open to ask and discuss anything blinky. Keep up the great work

Thanks Chuck im glad you have found this forum to be of good value for you, Im sure ACL will continue to provide easy to understand explanations and documentation for those getting into the hobby or wanting to move into parts of the hobby. Its all about ensuring that the community gets as much information on choice so that they can make educated decisions

It really doesnt matter what you use or where your from as its all about the same goal and thats creating magic for all those that come to view our displays
I can only agree with Chuck.

After hanging around here for a while, I was pretty sure that Disney somehow was involved in ACL, since this is "The friendliest place on Earth"

I add my thanks for your patience with us noobs!
I'd like to say Thank-you to every one as well. so many new friendships and everyone just chips in.

It's what makes ACL a fantastic Forum.