The Amazing World of Coro (presentation)

dmoore said:
I presented a class at the LSH Academy on Coro and though others might find it useful:

The Amazing World of Coro

Here are some other general articles about coro:

Black or white coro - which is best?

Hi David;

i attended this class at the academy and thought you did an excellent job! I liked that you worked to be unbiased to your own products. For example, You gave another source for the cutter of Coro besides your own. [SIZE=78%]This gave credibility to the presentation.[/SIZE][SIZE=78%] You stated the costs of purchasing this in wholesale amounts (around $9 for a 4x8' sheet). You gave a feeling of what a good cost sheet would be $18-22 US. You mentioned some people sell the sheets for $45.[/SIZE]

This did help me understand the price spectrum as i look around.

now if i can just find some extra time.

I enjoyed the class aswell! Really like all the things you had @ your booth. made it hard for me to stay out of the booth.... Got some really neat ideas to work on. Thanks for showing up, I am one of those hands on types. really helps alot when you can see the stuff working & what the sizes are you'd be working with. Will be ordering a few things shortly.