Finely got around to making the Output Arduino Board,
Output Board, Midi In/Out, 2x Dmx, an Pixel.
So i added the Arduino Mega to plug on,
Then i found some spare room so i added a screen an buttons (so now its also a portable tester as well)
During testing ive noticed a bit of slowness with the slider responce.
- so thats either the ADS1115 not decoding the analog to digital fast enouth
- or its the serial link between the arduino's but with a baud rate of 2000000 it should'nt be than.
- there is also a issue with the pixels in loop function that the serial dont listen.
Solution, remove the 4x ads1115's , and keep the arduino micro pro just for the pixels.
Then Add it with another arduino mega2560 since it has 16 analog pins on it, (for all analog stuff)
- advantage now, can add a esp8266 for wifi phone control of the sliders an joysticks.
made a measurement mistake with the button board design.
Otherwise i have now got the 'Wifi - Phone App Control' system designed/working
Now to hook it all together (awaiting the 3 Arduino Mega's)