The Shake Rattle and Roll


Full time elf
Generous elf
May 2, 2010
Kaiapoi, New Zealand
Hi everyone,

We had a very exciting morning on Saturday at around 4:30 am when we experienced a 7.1 Richter scale earthquake. The quake went for around a minute and was a very frightening ride we have had many dozens of aftershocks since. We were very lucky and had no injuries or damage to our house, others were not as lucky and many will lose their homes. We were fortunate that it occurred when it did as there were no fatalities which seems unbelievable. .

The quake was on the South Island of New Zealand and was worst in our town of Kaiapoi which is around 25 kms north or Christchurch, Christchurch was also badly damaged and repairs of $1 - 2 billion to buildings and infrastructure.

Power and water are back on for most of us and we are truly very fortunate!!

Kev :)
Yow - wasn't aware NZ had earthquakes much - always "fun" to go through - I know all too well living in the SF Bay area! Hope everything gets back to normal there soon!
The USGS has maps for earthquakes - always interesting to see how many we have here in CA just during a single week - luckily almost all are tiny ones we don't even feel...
The fun continues in Kaiapoi, many of the historic buildings in the town have had to be demolished which is very sad for our little town, they were too badly damaged to be saved. We are still undamaged which seems unbelievable.

There are houses at one of our beach settlements that have sunk to the window sills and many others have been severely damaged, most are likely to be demolished.

We are still experiencing after shocks of 3 - 5 and many people in the Canterbury area are getting very worn out!!

Well its Saturday here today so it's out to the garage to wire a few more lights up, the show must go on!!

Cheers Kev :)