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Dedicated elf
Jan 5, 2014
I say, if you are the victim of a mindless attack, you must be doing something right.
Glad to see the board back up after this mornings attack.
It made for a long day at work with no CLAP release.....

Good work getting us back online :D
Pheeeewwwww!!! Thank you to those responsible for getting us back online. I was starting to get a bit shaky there for a while without my daily dose of ACL ;)
I though the world had come to an end, hadn't even had my first coffe of the day. A big thanks to the unsung heroes behind the scenes.
tick for that one Boys. I thought to myself this morning " I wonder if it is backed up"

You guys are all over it. Big thanks to you Harrison
Harrison Kohn said:
Alec. We know it was you just own up :p

All I can can is backups are the best thing since CLAP
was'nt me but i know that it kid was trying to get brownie points in the hacking world

I guess since the type of hack that happen.. we must also thank you harrison for patching the cpanel
as well as ryan for getting ACL backup.
smartalec said:
Im glad we have a Great Admin that can repair ACL in such a short time..
even tho it felt like forever :D

Don't forget to give Harrison Kohn a shout out as well. ACL's backups are so huge now that my domestic connection takes hours to download and upload them. Oh how fibre would help ;)
Not knowing the people who are being thanked, all it can say is thank you too !
It's amazing how we take something working well for granted.

I would have not have Ben as concerned if I could not access my work home page But ACL !
You have to be pretty desperate to hack ACL.... :eek:

Thanks all for getting it all back up in one piece.
