To have or have not - Voice Overs


Minister of Silly Walks
May 9, 2010
Toowoomba, Australia
Hey guys, this year I'm looking at getting a voice over - all this one will be is "the display is set to music, mind the traffic, be nice to our neighbours and Merry Christmas".

Does anyone here have a voice over? Do you DIY it or get a pro? Male or female or kid? What else do you say in your voice overs?

Been looking at Youtube vids of some of the voice overs, so really wanted to get a feel of what some of the "locals" have.

Is that your porno voice? :p

I do like the idea of voice overs but I like them very short, like 15 seconds or so. But I don't use them myself
I use a voice over to break up the show so people know the sequence is over and give people time to move on so the next lot of cars can move in to position. I put the basic warnings across about respecting the neighbours and not parking on their lawns. Seemed to work very well last year
I recorded my own voiceover at the beginning of the Virtual Santa video projection. I created a LOR musical sequence of the video and have all my lights dimmed to 50%. The voiceover announces that he's on for 8 minutes and now is the perfect time to get the kids out the car and take some pictures. It seemed to work last year as I could see families getting out of their cars.
Hi we use The Demented Elf for our intros etc and they sound great, you can check out his offerings here. They have specials on packages through the year.

I have no association with this company other than being a happy customer.

Kev :)