Tune to sign


Dedicated elf
May 6, 2010
I finally got around to the tune to sign today. Printed on the inside, and illuminated by as set of fifty 2801 pixels in a 5050 format.


Then I needed to mount the pixels about 7cm behind the sign, so I mounted a second sheet of coro behind the first, with a 7cm gap.


Finally the result (This was actually before the sides were painted, so thats why there is light shining out the sides)



The images show the sign as a little blurry, but in reality it is not. There is slight light bleeding due to the coro, and it is made worse by the slow shutter speed on the camera to take the image.

A bit of tidying up to do, corner moulding to glue on, but overall it worked well.
Very nice work Dave. Very similar to what i want to do

Now for a couple of questions

What paint did you use for the black?

What did you use to mark out the letters from?
Black paint is just a metal paint I had for ages. I know it sticks to the Coro pretty well as I have used a piece to sit small bits on to spray them in the past

I marked the letters (to drill the holes) by holding up the piece of coro used to hold the LED's against the front piece. The front was done by a local business who does signs and advertising atuff on cars etc, and it is proper UV resistant black vinyl.